
Can South Africa be a moral example to the world?

For many years, South Africa was seen as a poster child for peaceful reconciliation and the triumph of good over evil. The “Rainbow Nation” image brought tourism, international investment, and major global events such as the 2010 World Cup. But beneath the glitz, there was a darker side: grinding poverty, widespread corruption, violent xenophobia, and [...]

By |2024-10-30T05:33:03+00:00October 30th, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

eNCA – 29 Days in June. Aired Sunday 25th August at 8pm

For 29 days in June, South Africa was gripped by a political drama. eNCA goes behind closed doors to uncover the make-or-break moments that forged the government of national unity. https://www.enca.com/shows/29-days-june-annika-larsen-special-report  

The ANC faces its own ‘Sophie’s choice’

Realpolitik - or the triumph of ruthless pragmatism in pursuit of national ends - is a word correctly associated with Germany's "Iron Chancellor" Otto von Bismarck, whose 19 years in office (1871-1890) forged the modern German state. Popularly, but apparently incorrectly, attributed to Bismarck is the aphorism: "Anyone who loves the law or sausages should never [...]

By thumbing our nose at the West, things can only go south

You might be a little embarrassed by Cyril Ramaphosa’s new role as Putin’s parrot, blandly repeating all the Kremlin lines and lies allegedly justifying Moscow’s unprovoked invasion of a sovereign country and firing deadly missiles at hospitals, theatres and shopping centres. Or you might wonder, beyond the imagined links of “struggle solidarity”, why SA in [...]

Ramaphosa is failing in his duty to protect the constitution

I was in New York the day after the November 2004 US presidential election. George W Bush’s re-election — by a far wider margin than the polls had predicted — was of immediate interest. However, it was a column by Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Nicholas Kristof, published that day in the New York Times, that set out for [...]

Are the EFF’s tiresome tactics comparable to those of the Nazis?

US President Donald Trump’s conniptions and conspiracy theorising over last week’s presidential election defeat recall the “we wuz robbed” ringside shout-outs of late Johannesburg boxing supremo Alan Toweel. They also find a slight echo here in the tactics and strategy of the EFF. The party on these southern shores has unavailingly and with more violence, [...]

By |2020-11-11T07:40:41+00:00November 11th, 2020|EFF, Uncategorized, US elections|0 Comments
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