Monthly Archives: January 2024

SA’s latest fit of morality sponsored by the ‘bankrupt’ ANC

In 1843, Lord Thomas Macaulay, an English politician and historian, wrote: "We know no spectacle so ridiculous as the British public in one of its periodical fits of morality." Substitute the ANC government and update it to present times, and you achieve a neat fit for the crowing and posturing of President Cyril Ramaphosa and [...]

Enough with government’s ‘obligatory optimism’

Enver Hoxha was the remorseless Communist dictator who held the Balkan country of Albania in his pitiless grip for just over 40 years from 1944 until his death in 1985. Once, uncharacteristically, in his New Year message for 1967, he did offer his long-suffering country a burst of candour when he advised: This year will [...]

Israel and South Africa: Many ironies at play as ‘hard cases make bad law’

No end of ironies emanate from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) proceedings launched by South Africa last week against Israel charging the Jewish state with genocide in Gaza. First, The Hague seat of the ICJ named "the Peace Palace" was ground zero for its opposite - a ferocious emotive attack on the words, conduct, [...]

Liberation movements tend to lose power after 30 years. Will SA join the club in 2024?

As South Africa enters 30 years under the rule of the liberation party, Tony Leon examines what success might look like in toppling a government as a liberation movement and finds SA wanting. Imagine you headed operations for a liberation army, seeking to overthrow an oppressive state and the cruel overlords who helmed it. What would you [...]

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