Monthly Archives: May 2015

How Gigaba has killed tourism in four easy steps

Grant Thornton, a consultancy, estimates the new visa requirements will cost 100 000 jobs MONDAY, June 1, is “V Day”. This is not shorthand for victory in war but represents the brave new world of South Africa‘s latest visa regime for foreign tourists. It is a triumph, however, of obstinacy over common sense, the sort [...]

By |2015-05-27T09:26:40+00:00May 27th, 2015|Ambassador of Argentina, Opinion|0 Comments

Sparks didn’t mention me as one of his ‘smart’ politicians. To my delight.

However good and well-intentioned a leader you are, your leadership will often be defined by how quickly you douse the fires Some wise owl once observed: “Your victories can land up costing you more than your defeats.” It seems churlish, on the back of his comprehensive and surprising victory last Thursday, to sound this note [...]

By |2015-05-27T06:48:21+00:00May 13th, 2015|Opinion, South African Politics|0 Comments

Tony Leon’s message to the DA

Speech by Tony Leon to the DA Federal Congress, Port Elizabeth, Sunday, May 10 2015: “The Power of an Idea” As I was saying at the last DA Congress I spoke at exactly eight years ago yesterday, before I disappeared from your midst- All is not lost if courage remains. We can make South Africa [...]

Time of political fracture links polls continents apart

TWO rather different leadership contests are happening this week. In the UK tomorrow, a new prime minister will be chosen, and in SA on Sunday, the Democratic Alliance (DA) will choose a new leader. The consequences of these choices will have hugely different effects. The UK might count for less in the world these days [...]

By |2015-05-21T11:13:48+00:00May 7th, 2015|Opinion, South African Politics, World Politics|0 Comments
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