Monthly Archives: April 2016

Tony Leon: ‘Jan Smuts se woorde steeds waar vir SA’

Hy bly optimisties oor Suid-Afrika se toekoms ondanks die kruispunt van krisisse waar die land hom tans bevind, het Tony Leon Woensdagaand in ’n toespraak voor die Britse parlement se Henry Jackson-vereniging gesê. Suid-Afrika het presies 22 jaar gelede sy rug op 350 jaar van rasseverdeling, uitbuiting, onderdrukking en ystervuis-regering gedraai. In 1994 het die [...]

When good leaders turn bad

Lula and Brazil's descent from grace goes a lot beyond country and personality The great, now sadly late, rocker Prince will be remembered for many things, from musical genius to edgy sexuality and the shock of the new back in 1978. Back then he burst onto the musical scene with his debut album For You. [...]

By |2016-05-03T08:58:31+00:00April 28th, 2016|Ambassador of Argentina, World Politics|0 Comments

Nkandla excesses expose the glaring gap in founding law

The ideologically ramshackle coalition that gathered as the "People's Consultative Assembly" last weekend at various centres showcased a veritable fruit salad of ideas and personalities. Ranging from a retired judge to an avant-garde film director and a supporting cast of politicians, they were united by one galvanising idea: removing Jacob Zuma from the presidency. A [...]

Cronin still doggedly pushing a long-discredited ideology

I will, doubtless, not add longevity to the political shelf-life of Deputy Public Works Minister Jeremy Cronin by expressing admiration for his bravery and eloquence. His marooning in the obscurity of a deputy ministry hardly matches his talents and struggle credentials. But the real wonder of it is that he holds any executive office at [...]

A betting guide to Jacob Zuma’s survival

Zuma knows where, figuratively at least, all the bodies are buried and who has been caught in the web of intelligence networks he controls For those of us who grew up under the unlamented apartheid regime, racial repression was lashed onto dour Calvinism. This meant that everything from cinemas on Sunday to television (until 1976, [...]

President’s qualified apology echoes typical irresponsibility

FRIDAY night’s prime-time television performance by President Jacob Zuma, on the back of the devastating Constitutional Court judgment the day before, was something to behold. It is capable of almost endless interpretations, although the path forward remains unclear. Gone was the customary giggle, the chuckle and the rictus. Zuma’s qualified and exceedingly rare apology was [...]

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