Monthly Archives: July 2019

Cyril should be as ruthless as Boris with his enemies

Panned by his critics as a charlatan and a clown, or as “Donald Trump with a thesaurus”, new UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson moved with a cabinet massacre, within hours of kissing hands with the Queen, to dispel a self-created myth about his style of government. Among millions of words he gifted to commentators in [...]

Anti-truth Trump and bumbling Boris have nothing on SA’s shameless lot

In life the opposite of shame is shamelessness. In public life the antonym of shame is impunity. In both cases, it means you act unbound by the norms of decency, accountability, moral probity and ethics. Consequences for wrongful acts are for dummies and dupes. In a country where shamelessness and impunity are the norm, the [...]

Come on, Zindzi and Cyril, is it too much to ask for a little diplomacy?

Misery loves company, as the old saying goes. So however depressed the local weather, the stuttering economy or the winning loss of the Proteas exit makes you feel, spare a thought for Sir Kim Darroch. He enjoys the dream diplomatic posting as British ambassador to the United States. But right now,  despite residing in one [...]

By |2019-07-10T06:14:37+00:00July 10th, 2019|Cyril Ramaphosa, Donald Trump, World Politics|0 Comments

ANC shares Tories’ economy-hurting fixation on ideology

During an English heat wave, I recently escaped London to lose myself in the bucolic Kent countryside near the picturesque town of Westerham. I was one of many Winston Churchill latter-day pilgrims on a visit to his country home at Chartwell. This was where he lived or visited for more than 40 years from 1922 until [...]

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