Pravin Gordhan

Mboweni and Gordhan were fierce ANC loyalists, but welcoming of ideological opponents

On Saturday evening, I attended a private dinner at the Cape Town residence of one of the new members of the GNU cabinet. There was nothing unusual about the event - the host and guests were old friends, politically close and each had played some role in forming SA’s first genuine coalition cabinet. It is [...]

‘Nonaligned’, ‘pick up the rand’, ‘president’: when words mean fokol

American dissident and writer James Baldwin once noted you can judge the state of a nation’s educational level by the quality of its political speech. By this metric, and on both measures, SA today scores off the charts. Hot on the heels of the global report (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) revealing that 81% [...]

There’s no room for optimism without action, Cyril

I keep a collection — now spilling into multiple volumes of quotations and longer articles, even book extracts — of thoughts and writings I believe have the wisdom and wit to illuminate the context and times in which we live. Many years ago, I read a profound book by David Landes, then emeritus professor of [...]

Face facts: Pravin’s a commie, Cyril’s a union man

The opening weekend of the Fifa World Cup produced no end of surprises, if Eskom load shedding allowed you to view the spectacle. The country of my second allegiance, Argentina (given Bafana’s dismal non-qualification, my home team as it were), was held to an improbable draw by tiny Iceland, which in population terms (337,000 versus [...]

By |2018-06-20T12:06:08+00:00June 20th, 2018|Cyril Ramaphosa, Eskom, Pravin Gordhan|0 Comments

TONY LEON: ANC faithful loath to find fault with Zuma despite SA’s downward spiral

Party members, like victims of Stalin who believed in the system, cannot accept movement has lost the plot In his final tour de force before his death in 2010, the great modern historian Tony Judt described how key victims of Stalin remained — to the bitter end, often unto death — true believers in the [...]

The Big Read: Shaky hands on the joystick

New Finance Minister Malusi Gigabi loves fashion shows and dressing up. Two cabinet posts back, he arrived at the opening of parliament impersonating an SAA pilot. I thought at the time - given that he was the minister responsible for the disastrously mismanaged national carrier - there was something deeply symbolic in a politician pretending [...]

Why there is hope for South Africa

Argentina's opposition achieved the unimaginable. So too can South Africa's LAST Sunday, as I stood atop Mount Kent in the Falkland Islands, the icy wind knifed through my heavy-duty jacket with the proverbial ease of the hottest knife through melting butter. And this was still summer in the rocky, desolate island chain over which Great Britain [...]

What Zuma has learned from Putin – do what you know

'He has brought in the ethically hobbled Brian Molefe, who not so much personifies “state capture” as being emblematic of a willing accomplice of the Guptas' SAILING around the “uttermost part of the earth”, to borrow a description of Tierra del Fuego, en route to the Antarctic is, midst the roaring oceans, helpful to develop [...]

By |2017-02-23T08:54:51+00:00February 22nd, 2017|Jacob Zuma, Opinion, Pravin Gordhan, South African Politics|0 Comments

STATE OF THE NATION ADDRESS: Don’t expect to hear much about the reality of SA’s debt and low growth

Jacob Zuma and his clique are ever more fervent in their belief the state will provide even as they prove it cannot, writes Tony Leon Ken Clarke, the veteran Tory grandee in the historic House of Commons vote triggering Brexit, drew on Lewis Caroll’s fantasy tale to frame his dissent. The former chancellor of the [...]

By |2017-02-09T12:10:26+00:00February 8th, 2017|Jacob Zuma, Opinion, Pravin Gordhan, South African Politics|0 Comments

Zuma’s three options as he confronts Gordhan

'Both Zuma senior and junior are well-known critics of the rating agencies that determine the credit status of the country' Tomorrow Cape Town traffic will be more choked and chaotic than usual as the state flexes its muscles and shows its pomp and finery for President Jacob Zuma‘s State of the Nation spectacle. The street [...]

By |2017-02-09T12:12:09+00:00February 8th, 2017|Jacob Zuma, Opinion, Pravin Gordhan, South African Politics|0 Comments
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