Monthly Archives: September 2018

Premier move: Maimane dodged the bullet of political idiocy

By wisely turning away from the baubles of premiership, the DA leader avoided splitting the party leadership Last week in London I attended a dinner with some starring members of the British political establishment. The entire menu of conversations covered Brexit, and that was a day before Theresa May was ambushed by the European Union [...]

It’s land now. Will it end with the death penalty?

The trouble with changing the Constitution is that it opens the Pandora's Box of populism Last week, South Africa endured a terrible, awful and simply bad few days. Problem is that our troubles are now arriving, to channel Shakespeare, ‘not as single spies but in battalions.’ Emerging market contagion was the start of it, currency [...]

By |2018-09-13T08:48:40+00:00September 13th, 2018|Cyril Ramaphosa, Finance, South African Politics|0 Comments

It takes a special leader who is big enough to put country before party

The late US Senator John McCain reinforced his best self against the worst instincts of his own supporters Country First was the inspiring slogan that headlined Senator John McCain’s doomed 2008 campaign for the US presidency. I was resident in Washington DC during the last stretch of that historic election, which the Republican lost handily [...]

By |2018-09-06T07:21:40+00:00September 6th, 2018|Uncategorized, World Politics|0 Comments
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