Monthly Archives: May 2017

Two lessons from abroad on how to bring our rainbow back

Israel is one of the few countries available for the South African political establishment to burnish their human rights credentials.  For reasons of solidarity and expediency or simple inattention,  such gross rights violators as Venezuela, Zimbabwe and Syria –where political protestors are shot dead, imprisoned or gassed  with poison respectively, escape both attention and censure. [...]

A tale of two seriously damaged presidents. One of them is ours

'The return of Molefe to Eskom and the ridiculous reasons offered for it makes even Trump’s explanation for firing James Comey seem plausible' Here are two — of several — quotes plucked from the weekend which seem to describe the depressing national condition into which the Jacob Zuma presidency has plunged South Africa with its [...]

Unravelling constitutional threads that keep fabric of nation intact

Small business minister is the latest recruit to the ranks of thread-pullers that put hard-won settlement at risk From the balcony of my temporary accommodation on a marina outside Tel Aviv last Monday, I witnessed the flyover of the latest additions to Israel’s air force, already by far the mightiest in this war-ravaged region. Israel [...]

By |2017-05-16T08:33:01+00:00May 10th, 2017|International Politics|0 Comments

Lessons from the battle for an open public space

' The courts, despite some energetic rigging attempts by the majority party, still push back against a delinquent state; civil society, far from being muzzled, is fully throated in its denunciations of state capture and corruption' Does distance lend enchantment, or just more distance?Writing this column in Tel Aviv, on the day Israel celebrates its [...]

By |2017-05-03T20:37:04+00:00May 3rd, 2017|Jacob Zuma, South African Politics|0 Comments
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